Saturday, December 31, 2011


Here's something for you. I never really understand why I am falling this hard for this one person. Well, not just any person to me... It's scaring me to face the fact that, that person I can see everything in her I did my first girlfriend. I think that's why I'm so attracted. But there are so many other reasons as well. This person... Oh this person has way more confidence, will tell me when I need to be put into place.... and many more things.
Interesting thing, I haven't told this person. This person is in my dreams all the time now (and for once I do remember them). It's like an addicting drug, or just talking with that person... just makes me feel like I'm drunk.
..... That's a different feeling. One I've never felt before. Which is why it's scaring me.....
I don't just need that person.... I want that person. Not for what that person can do, but for who they are....

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